Lion’s Lair Competition 2024
Fakulti Sains Data dan Komputeran (FSDK) dengan kerjasama Ignite Venture Lab dan Centre of Entrepreneurship Education and Development (CEED) telah menganjurkan pertandingan Lion’s Lair peringkat akhir yang bertempat di Ignite Venture Lab (IVL) serta di Makmal Sains Data UMK Kampus Kota. Antara aktiviti utama program ini termasuklah pameran produk pelajar iaitu para peserta akan mempamerkan […]
4 days Flutter Training @MINDEF
Completed Training yesterday… rest today! Exhausted to the max! Seems long time not doing face-to-face training, the body needs to adapt. Hopefully with Covid-19 strict guidelines, can make more trainings… instead of Online.
Flutter Training at Kementerian Sumber Manusia
I AM BLESSToday training Flutter at Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Putrajaya Sept 22-23 2020. Feeling quite bless becoz training how to do BLESS mobile app with Flutter!
Flutter Training at Pro Office Technology Sdn Bhd
WordPress Training at MAMPU, Cyberjaya
WORDPRESS TRAINING JULY 20-24 2020Today we have WordPress Training @MAMPU, Cyberjaya! Upskilling Government Sector!
Training Angular @MAMPU
Training Angular @MAMPUUpskilling the gomen sector with the latest technology
FLUTTER CLASS TODAY!Due to Covid-19, have to social distancing but we had a wonderful time coding! We have participants as far as Gurun and Tanjung Malim, willing to travel just to learn and we also have a senior lady learning Flutter coz she said she wants to learn new thing! What a day! Sorry for […]
Training Flutter di MAMPU!
Training the Brainy Bunch Techies!
Training the Brainy Bunch Techies! It was fun training them for the pass 3 weeks on using Flutter to develop mobile apps!#flutter #brainybunch #mobileapp #developingapps
Startup companies going Flutter!
WE HAVE FLUTTER CLASS TODAY!More and more Startup companies going Flutter! This is PersisKom Sdn Bhd Programmers doing training!